There are two kinds of people in this world...they are : addiction prone and addiction proof...
Mind it!, people who never try give temptation the chance, don't count as addiction proof...they simply avoid addiction...to be addiction proof; you have to fight addiction and sacrifice it; though knowing that you want that thing badly, but letting it go...i'm not advocating in any sense to try addiction just to know which category you belong to, that would be insane, as so many people will have episodes of addiction proneness, so less can actually handle that....
So carrying on...i shouldn't have said people in the first line...cause even a single person can wobble between the two states, being so strong and rigid at one time and totally melted the next instant...thats true for all of us, i guess..
but if only we could know what makes us so weak at times, may be there would be no addiction proneness...i think it's the constant excuse that you've beared so much, you definitely deserve this indulgence...sometimes, its true; but mostly, you just want to divert your mind...
what if, its just for fun??...addiction isn't fun; i dont think addicts are happy being addicts(unless its something really harmless like japanese comics)..i saw this movie "going broke", reality based, recently, here a working mother of two, gets addicted to gambling and ends up stealing from her company, her kids and finally ending up in jail...you see that movie, and ask yourself: "how do you justify that?"...well; you don't justify that, because you know that you'll never do anything like that, ever...yet to her, who lived through it, this happened like a chain of events, like a cooking recipe whose end dish you haven't seen, but you continue making it only to find out, that it is a recipe for dynamite...
it takes more than strength to walk out of an addiction, it takes the willingness to do that..."Requiem for a dream" is a movie that so extra-ordinarily portrays how things roll out of control...it is a spine-chilling rendition of your "addiction prone-self" overpowering your "addiction proof-self"; 4 people get their dreams bulldozered by the weight of their addiction...will talk about that movie in detail some other time, saw it long time back actually...but a highly recommended movie, to those who haven't seen it...it can alter how you see things, atleast for few hours...
No conclusion. can't think of any..