I don't think i really believe in luck or God or a higher force for that matter...mostly i am of the view, things love randomness, and thus no matter how much you'll try to organize your world...random strokes of good and bad luck will keep hitting you..
Theres no heaven or hell, so maybe theres no moment of truth, no check of how you lived through life and also no reincarnation... so again, the life you were assigned wasn't from a thorough calculation of your potential or your goodness... it was a random choice of nature... and then, in your life you see all this mess around you... nature does a lot of jobs with great accuracy, but it isn't perfect... what you see here is a labyrinth, with many paths, each leading with a different style of life-pattern... what these paths lead to isn't visible to you, you can only assume from the experiences of people who have gone through that path... but the funny thing is these paths are dynamic, they keep evolving and dissolving; merging and emerging, so you can never be sure... you pick, or you're forced to pick, (or in rare case you build) a path... but where you land up during your journey is so complex to find out, that its best explained as random...
Then, what the hell is a "set" life??... lots of people have that, they knew what they wanted, they made efforts and got that... no randomness there... the reason is, that certain paths are less likely to change than others... and thats why many normal people are likely to choose that path... study, study more, get a job, get married, have kids, grow old, die... it would only be in the introspective moments, that these people will think about all the paths they could've chosen, lives they could've lived... the randomness, the absolute freewill they could've enjoyed... but then, their focus was always to rush through life making the seemingly right choices, so it never caught their eye, how relative right is... and how they have the power to redefine right...
Its only now, i fully understand why i liked "entropy" so much in thermodynamics... the fundamental property of materials to have minimum energy and maximum entropy... this kind of gives me a great excuse why i don't like organizing my stuff... why i don't like killing the free spirit of things around me... a lousy excuse, but still an excuse... anyhow, going back to life and randomness...
Again, the people you meet in your lifetime, follows no plan at all... and how all these random meetings entangle into your character, and make you the person you are, is subject to so many theories that its impossible to predict anything... you unconsciously/consciously learn things, stuff them into the back of your head... and finally one day spit that out, in a totally unrecognizable manner; your actions or your choices or your words or your dreams...
The whole point of this discussion, is that theres randomness integrated in every aspect of your life, and life becomes more fun, once you start appreciating that... because, then you don't look for grounds to dump your blames on, or escape routes, or answers to never-ending "why me??"... when everything is governed by some nonsense; you tend to be more forgiving...
and this is yet another abrupt ending to an abrupt idea...