I have always been waiting to try bhaang... last year, used some crap stuff, with no effects at all; so this year overdosed.. there are many things i don't like about it:
it tastes like horse shit, not that i've tasted horse shit before; but i'm assuming it would be a fair comparison.. i had it with milk(full cream) and no sugar; so tasted even worse.. second; i don't understand why it is so slow... i mean i lost all hopes, and was sympathizing with myself saying, at least i had milk, if nothing else.. and then 2-3 hours later, the "feeling" jump starts..
If to be described fully, the "feeling" is a mixture of things.. there is clear rapid horizontal and vertical vibratory motion in all things in proximity.. you IQ becomes zero, u no longer understand how sentences break up into words... your feet after years of load lifting, suddenly give up; and you cannot stand straight, or look straight... in my case, my throat was parched dry and mind delusional.. i could have enjoyed this uneasiness, but i figured it was best to just sleep.. so kinda wasted a lot of special effects.. but i slept like a hog, for a very very long time.. and when i got up, things moved in a slow motion, seemed as if instead of blood, it was indolence running in my veins... i could actually feel small processes that take place and get neglected every day.. every muscle movement, small sounds, wind, everything....
and i also got to know, that bhaang is a herb.. "Cannabis sativa"; and its cheap, 2 bucks thats it... like the holi we played this time... pure mud, keechad and ghaas, and water(actually meant for the plants)... organic, wild and free.. nice holi, this was :))
Just got to know.. that "bhola" is the best brand of it..
n u din mention how dehydrated ur body becums after consumin it n how it ruins ur loo specialy the sink huh
yeah!!.. but i didn't ruin the sink man!.. just asked you to bring water in the dead of night from the hostel water-cooler :)
n frm whre did u gt dis pic frm??i want it too
ramandeep se, holi pics hai, will give them to you later..
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