1. Don't be foolish enough to do it alone.
2. Don't do it outside, when everyone else is doing it from the college itself.
3. Don't forget its your few last days of college, that you'd be sacrificing.
4. Once you've made all the above mistakes, don't regret it.
5. When you finally start making progress, don't let it go to your head or think of yourself as some superman/girl; coz very soon something will go wrong.
6. Remember every problem has a solution or a way to bypass it.
7. I don't know about research or innovation, but this definitely teaches a thing or two about looking at life as a giant video-game, in which you not only need to survive but also have to go to the next level.
8. And ya, don't wait for a love-letter from authorities to realize that your ass is on the line here.
That was straight from your heart pal
:D hehe.
The pic that u used is beautiful.
u designed it ?
- Y-W-W
my dear YWW, no that just googled maal.
lol!! good one!!!
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