1. Don't boast of your self-defense classes to guys, who can spin you like a bottle.
2. Don't keep the bill with your shirt, that you're supposed to return; coz somehow water will come and create spots on it..
3. Don't let your wallet get wet.. its just embarrassing when you use wet notes at shop; try if you don't believe me.
4. Don't wake your brother up at the middle of the night to ask if you can go out.. not only would he say "NO".. he'll be sure now that you've lost it.
5. Don't drink with a secret.. always gets puked out.
6. Shopping is like a game.. more you play, better you get.
7. Learn cooking.. save yourself the enormous guilt of asking someone else to cook for you, when your parents are out.
8. Even when you can't be sure of what you want to be; at least be sure of what you definitely don't want to be.. would keep things rolling for now.
9. I'm totally sure that not being able to remember birthdays is an illness, and I'm suffering from that.. and I don't think I can recover.
2. Don't keep the bill with your shirt, that you're supposed to return; coz somehow water will come and create spots on it..
3. Don't let your wallet get wet.. its just embarrassing when you use wet notes at shop; try if you don't believe me.
4. Don't wake your brother up at the middle of the night to ask if you can go out.. not only would he say "NO".. he'll be sure now that you've lost it.
5. Don't drink with a secret.. always gets puked out.
6. Shopping is like a game.. more you play, better you get.
7. Learn cooking.. save yourself the enormous guilt of asking someone else to cook for you, when your parents are out.
8. Even when you can't be sure of what you want to be; at least be sure of what you definitely don't want to be.. would keep things rolling for now.
9. I'm totally sure that not being able to remember birthdays is an illness, and I'm suffering from that.. and I don't think I can recover.
interesting things and all are right things that life taught u
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i came across your blog via a comment of yours on mine. i think this is good stuff!!! specially your 'things life has taught me's.
however, regarding point 1 here, we guys think our self defense is a load of dung, chicks can spin us like bottles. never expected chicks to think its the other way round. i mean, guys are real transparent and all, unlike chicks. dont you think?
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