In my earlier post, Addiction prone vs. addiction proof; i talked about how "other" people handle their addiction or the lack of it... Well, here i would like to confess, that once upon a time, i was addicted to the idiot box..
As my dad often narrates me the story, that as a child i was very hard-working and good girl (and by that he means always interested in doing any dead boring domestic task, as if it was my dream-job).. and tv was there in our home, but you see, i was too passionate about other things to ever pay attention to it.. and one day, my dad committed the gravest mistake; he saw me doing some work, and asked me to halt that and watch the tv with him... And that was a turning point in my life!!
It was love at first sight, i was bowled over by its grandeur, though what we had, was a shamelessly small set, 14 inches; black and white screen; and a very ugly shutter, and combined with the fact Doordarshan in those days was hideously dull... but i guess, love really is blind!!.. anyhow, it started to replace all my other activities, and thus was created my signature laziness and procrastination... i was so attracted to that thing, that i was found (many a times) actually moving towards it mesmerized, until there was a mere 20cm distance between us.. and this may seem like an exaggeration but my family can swear on it.. i don't remember much, what the hell i used to watch on it... mostly cartoons, chitrahaar, cricket and basically everything else..
So my condition wasn't good, but it was still under control, the final straw came when we got the cable... i was in 6th standard, i think.. and thats when my parents completely lost their sweet, obedient daughter... i became hysterical with so many channels to fill in my mind space.. i became the ultimate tv guide, before the cable guys even thought of coming out with it.. and im really not proud, of documenting this looserish fling that i had with my tv, if i'm giving that kind of vibes.. but i was just unstoppable... i always had to have the remote, like a divine right; so that meant war with my brother at almost all times.. i used to plead to my dad to let me watch the late night shows, to which he had just one answer, NO... and that used to make me so mad, that i would watch double the amount the next day, just to compensate.. would lie down like a corpse on the couch and stay there until someone would turn it off..
ya i know, it makes me sick too.. but i did get out of that addiction, more sooner than later.. owing to many factors; most important being, i wasn't enjoying myself.. it feels so much better to be in control of your life. After all its nothing but an idiot box.. ending with a quote, i don't remember from whom:
" Tv has proved that people would look at anything, rather than each other."
Rightly said sweet girl,
PS:There is nothing to be ashamed off if you were a TV worm.
PS2:Today i noticed a thing about you.
and what would that be??
Is it necessary to tell ?
story of my life ... its just that instead of a tv there was a computer, and my monitor has a name tag "idiot box" !!! wat are the odds :)
nice work
thank you!!...however, i'm out of my addiction, and i suppose you're not even close ;)
Seriously .... idiotic as it seems .... these TV soap opera stars should be jailed, wats the diffrence between them and drugdealer!! ... addiction prevails!!
now dats over-ambitious!!
wow never been addicted to anything so far and i feel great...ofcourse i am counting out SLEEP... is that addiction too??? :P
addiction is part of life...no addiction, means no temptation, means no passion, means no joy of living!!
addiction = negative
passion and temptation = positive.
I could've gone into the explaining bit but i guess people are intelligent enough to see what i want to convey.
temptation isn't fully positive or negative...its all a transition...waise bhi, nthn written in stones; everythn's relative..
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