Have you ever looked the other way, throughout the bus journey coz a creep was watching you... or maybe, went for a trip coz you were fed up with the work... or started singing coz you were nervous before the interview... or went to a really expensive place to shop n eat coz you were too depressed... or started a movie marathon, coz life was becoming way too real...
those and plenty plenty more, are some ways how people distract themselves... sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse but they do distract themselves of a lot of things happening around them... maybe because they don't want those things to get to them, or affect them in any way (say for example, work pressure or a thing of sadness or something annoying) or it may also be because they are scared to or can't face something (like a great loss or failure or a responsibility etc.)... there may be many more examples and many more reasons, but my point isn't to reiterate the many ways we can distract ourselves...
my point is... what if, life has become a series of those distractions... what if, what we do is result of one distraction(direct or indirect) after another... lets take a scenario :
you had a certain dream, you tried visualizing it, dint work; so now all you do is to move away from that dream, do a different job with a strange dedication; strange because its not because you like the work, its because you have to justify whatever you're doing now, to that part of you which dared to dream in the first place... distraction can give you the power to change the direction of your life, once, twice, many times... it basically says: try, if you fail rather than trying again, try something new... which is, though most people won't admit, is what we normally do...
if that is not the case, then two options remain: either you always work towards the fulfillment of your dream or you don't know your dream...
the first case requires an awesome amount of focus, leaving no scope of distractions; except maybe from distractions themselves... this is an ideal case; it's almost impossible to find such people.. what we generally get to see, are people with "apparent focus, inherent confusion"; those who have just picked one nice aim(which looks good enough to them and their family) and they are all set to achieve it... now, this is nothing but a greater distraction... the distraction from the natural truth... its like a serious person distracting himself away from the books, to join the fun gang, to appear more interesting than he actually is or vice versa... and its funny, how many of us complete our whole life distracting away from what we really are, just because we assumed no-one would understand or respect that or we were plain scared or we just wanted to get it done the easy way...
Now, for those who don't know their dreams... who don't know what they are living for... are passing their time, hopping from one distraction to another; so that they can forget that they are ignorant and equivalent to someone who has received the spare-parts to a Ferrari but not the instruction manual of how to assemble it... so they live, clueless, in a constant hit and trial mode, wishing they might put together a Ferrari someday...
So, might be, this wild idea that life is one distraction after another; isn't that wild at all... may be, we do need to actually think why we are doing certain things...

Can anyone please tell me how can i give an online hug ??
A very tight hug ;-D
Awsome written little sweet girl.
Here is a little bit of suggestion,When you write,then dont put too many dots.Put where it is necessary.
Too many dots,lowers the importance of what is written.
Rest is all fine.
I want to request you something.
Daily write one entry in your blog.I desperately wait for them.
Cya ! I hope next entry is ready in your mind.
Your Well-wisher
Pal can i call my diversion to your blog "a distraction from my daily routine life " ??
Lol...Just kidding.
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