i have been bugged by some questions, through most of my life; even today, whenever i'm sitting, i'm thinking about this stuff..
-why do we have exams?? the reason we have exams is to find out who is the brainy one; but the one with brains would know, that most of the information taught is useless to him.. and thus would always be selective in his remembering that information.. which means, he won't be performing that well, so why do we have exams..
-if there is an older dating younger thing; the older one (irrespective of male/female), is always the culprit, and younger always the victim..don't get it, why?
-i've always wondered, if i realized that i've only 24 hrs to live what i'd do.. i might want to go on a dream holiday; switzerland, or venice.. but then, am i not supposed to be spending my last hours with my family; but actually, i'd hate to waste even a second in the sob ceremony, which is impossible to prevent when with your family; so i might just run away with a stranger, have a nice time; come back in the last hour, say my final good byes.. and dhooshhhh!!!
-ppl bargain with sabziwallah, autowallah, dhoodwallah, akhbaarwallah; and these same ppl have no problem when they enter a branded show-room, in getting Rs. 1000 slate..
-life is so like a slate.. you write, you wipe; you draw you wipe; you spit you wipe.. in the end, what you have, is a dirty old slate, and a huge bill(for chalks)..
-if i try to find my bill, till now.. taking my daily food expenses to be 50/- average, i'm Rs. 3.8 lakh worth.. money on my education; something around 2.4 lakhs.. my maintenance cost; soap, shampoo, doctor, parlour, clothes, movies, trips etc. around 9-10 lakhs.. so right now, i have eaten up, around 17 lakhs; and for nothing.. i don't listen to the ppl who made all these payments all these years; and i might not even spend my last 24 hrs with them... some, unthankful creature i'm..
-if i start reading a lot of authors, it would improve my writing skills but i wouldn't be able to be unimpressed, and not copy any of their styles; so i will kind of loose the originality in the process...
-isn't everything we do, kind of working on this principle; that we are forcefully trying to loose the originality.. i think we all are actually just a mixture of all ppl we have met till date.. since there is such complex number and ratio problem of who we meet and who we become; we never realize that we aren't actually unique; just a mere variation in ratio.. like in alloys; the proportion changes everything..
ok, now think about this... what if pallavi didn't know how to think.. ? ;-)
If i didn't know how to think, i would probably be just a blank face staring at things.. coz, i would still have my inherent curiosity, just will be unarmed to disarm it.
wht to say to this blog......
everyone has a different criteroin of thinkin..nd urs is quite different,,,,
though true in many things....
i will take that as a compliment :)
oi in case of older dating younger wat wud u hv prefrd to be?? i wud always want to be the younger one n EUREKA!! u r thinking
i don know.. its the guy who matters, not the age..
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