Generally, its very difficult to remember the nightmares; they mostly leave your memory space instantly. But certain nightmares are chilling enough to stay back; also if you talk about them to someone, there are greater chances of you locking them down in your memory.. here are some which have been locked inside my memories..
10. This is probably a very popular nightmare, many people have been through this.. so, I was looking down a cliff, and someone pushed me down and i fell and i fell.. and i remember i felt the thrust, that you'd feel during a free fall..
9. I was sleeping in my nightmare... and i heard voices.. and when i tried opening my eyes, i realized its the runway, and an airplane was coming.
8. This actually has a mention in movie "Salaam Namaste"... i had this when i was very very young, that i got on the school bus, very inappropriately dressed.
7. I faintly remember this, but here one of my friend and i am running through forest and he gets hit by something... and he starts bleeding; but his blood was green! and there were other things also which i don't remember..
6. I'm sitting for exams but i can't see the questions... i can see everything else, the people around, my pen, the desk, even the question paper; but i can't see the questions.
5. This happened when i was in 5th.. i forgot to bring atlas in Social studies class, and everyone was laughing hysterically at me... friends, classmates, teachers, the number keeps on increasing and i'm trying to explain how sorry i'm... but everyone is just enjoying too much to bother.
4. i wake up and go to the mirror... and everything starts sagging... the skin starts loosening out, hair keeps falling, the nails keep melting and other ugly things.. later, i had to check myself in the mirror first thing after i woke up.
3. This is about 4-5 years old, when we didn't have a car.. I saw the whole family dying in a car crash.. after that, i even asked my dad never to buy a car.
2. This is when, i used to talk a lot on phone... Since i used to keep my mobile close, its ringing used to increase my heartbeats when i was sleeping.. So, once in my nightmare, the mobile is ringing on the table and i'm lying on the sofa.. it started ringing harder and harder; the table starts vibrating, then the things around vibrate, then the ground, then everything... it keeps increasing until i come out of my sleep.
1. Mumma and i go to get the milk from the dhoodwala, his shed is full of cattle and the ghaas-phoos. One of the buffalow becomes aggressive and attacks mumma... i still remember how hard i shrieked, the whole family was scared shit.
Even i got a nightmare last night.
It was like - "you banned me from posting comments on your blog !!"
Bang ! I got up, and the very first thing i did was to check.
And I think you dont read comments that i post on your blog.If you have time,do reply.
Your well-wisher
you loose your anonymity, i'll start replying.
Hey i am not teasing you or things like that.
We dont know each other yar.
Okay, in that case.. thanx for the appreciation.
hey !! try drinking a glass full of water just before our sleep ... i think that will help you shortening this list :P ... not to mention it also helps in getting up early due to the nature's call , haha
i would have, if i didn't enjoy these leaps of hyper-imaginative sleeping!!
r u an avid reader of nancy drew mystery novels or a hitchcock fan coz by reading ur list it seemed that it couldn't have ended just with ten yaar
not a reader at all...wat i have here are just d best ones, more importantly, d few ones i could remember..
Try this, you forgot your geography book, and didnt know that from that day onwards, forgetting bringing books is a crime, and you are sentenced for life imprisonment, and not to mention your cell mate is a child molester.
no comments...but dats jus dark.
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