Friday, November 16, 2007

Right now.

I really love winters, i'm happiest this time of the year; even a place like Delhi seems so dreamy in winters...
but its all a waste when you have exams, which i do in about 3 days...not that i even started with the course, which i'm soon going to regret, but still knowing subconsciously that you'll be forced to do things in coming weeks that you absolutely don't want to not a happy feeeling.

i have this tendency to jump time whenever something stressful is about to start, exams, interview, some performance, anything... i go in the future and start planning what i'll do after this is over... makes it easier, but wastes a lot of time..

i think a good conversation can do wonders... all the grudges that you had with your day, they all, sort of just become a good story to talk about.. and even if you talk about anything else, a lot of fresh things come to your mind and that is so important, so that creativity and life doesn't die out from your mind.. plus its fun.

if possible i'd like to visit 100 places and more and talk to all sorts of people.. i really think, i would have been better off as a psychologist or psychiatrist or a lonely planet host or work as a volunteer for U.N. or even a wine-maker... i don't understand why would anyone enjoy being an engineer when every third person is one, such an identity crisis... but i'm sure i'll find something of my liking soon, may be after i earn enough money, i'll take something thats less safer or paying... or maybe not, who knows..

i've always wished to have a switch, through which i could turn my this wandering side off, so that i could be serious during exams... but no success till date.. i'm such a slave to my mood when it comes to doing something.. i wish i had more self-control.. will try to study now, i see the regret phase coming!!

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