Tuesday, May 13, 2008

dear mosqui!

Don't bite mosquito!!!

I am of a superior race
can't tolerate your disgrace
how dare you touch me
You Son of a Bitch!!, i swear i'll kill thee!!!

I work, i smile, i think
you come, you drink.
make my moment "Rotten Tomato"!!
and break my harmony, my legato..

Go suicide!!!
i'll buy you the rope, the electric chair, the cyanide.
or bite some bitch
Just,, leave me alone!!, coz hell!!, you itch :(

Its not, like i got anything against you
maybe, i'll do the same if i were you
but still; you make me psycho-frantic
so, next time you come closer.. it won't be romantic ;)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The simple truth... 15

Soap Opera Woman: Excuse me.
Wiley: Excuse me.
Soap Opera Woman: Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know? I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas bouncing off one another, continously on ant autopilot, with nothing really human required of us. Stop. Go. Walk here. Drive there. All action basically for survival. All communication simply to keep this ant colony buzzing along in an efficient, polite manner. "Here's your change." "Paper or plastic?' "Credit or debit?" "You want ketchup with that?" I don't want a straw. I want real human moments. I want to see you. I want you to see me. I don't want to give that up. I don't want to be ant, you know?

(from the movie "Waking life"; full of intricate details about simple things you ignore...)

Monday, May 5, 2008

The void

some voids are impossible to fill
some we make impossible
others are just meaningless pits
of mediocrity and cowardice...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

omelette and cold coffee

woke up at 5
boiled the milk and spilled it
remembered my mom who
is such a pro at the cooking-shit...

broomed and groomed the kitchen floor
had a good bath myself
played good music
and then woke up my nice lil elfs

Margaret(Maggi), Rahul, Jatin, Sanjana
and a good sunday breakfast
as unlikely it seemed
but felt like a moment going to last.

Maggi pouring her heart sized oil serving
then giant dose of red chilli powder
Rahul saving the day with bhurji
and Jatin stealing the credit shower

but Maggi; good cold coffee!!!
although, the mixer-lid had a hole
and nice church time
however, i think i'm certainly not a religious soul...

Friday, May 2, 2008


its about deep secrets
its about thin crusts
about shoved off pieces
of her skin, which (by the way) rusts.

she likes being complicated
coz things bore when too simple
has an ego, thats inflated
like a green mushroom pimple.

crinkled, crumpled contradicting brain
sees constricted life with a dilated whim.
she looks like champagne covered in chains,
unscrewed and fragrant; and still filled upto the brim.

clearly, its all a trap
a whirlpool pulling her from inside
and there is nothing she can do
she doesn't wanna run and she just can't hide.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The simple truth...14

Luc: Why are you chasing after him?
Kate: Cause I love him and I'm afraid if he doesn't come back I will shrivel up and never be able to love anyone ever again.
Luc: You say that now but after a time, first you will forget his chin, his nose, and after awhile you will struggle to remember the color of his eyes and then one day you wake up and he's gone, his voice, his face, his smell and then you can begin again.

(from the movie "French Kiss"; a dialogue that kind of keeps coming back to me; whenever i try forgetting something or someone!)

Things life has taught me... part 6(btp spl.)

1. Don't be foolish enough to do it alone.
2. Don't do it outside, when everyone else is doing it from the college itself.
3. Don't forget its your few last days of college, that you'd be sacrificing.
4. Once you've made all the above mistakes, don't regret it.
5. When you finally start making progress, don't let it go to your head or think of yourself as some superman/girl; coz very soon something will go wrong.
6. Remember every problem has a solution or a way to bypass it.
7. I don't know about research or innovation, but this definitely teaches a thing or two about looking at life as a giant video-game, in which you not only need to survive but also have to go to the next level.
8. And ya, don't wait for a love-letter from authorities to realize that your ass is on the line here.