Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Types of energy.

Ya we all know about the scientific stuff, and obviously this isn't about that.. this is my take on types of energy..

One is "pissed-off energy", with which i'm literally oozing today.. this shit-hole said something to me, really trivial but i got all sparked up, and it all got channeled up in the game, in which for a change, i did okay-gud.. really powerful this energy is!!

And then theres this "nervous energy".. kind-of like a key characteristic, of people who are trying something for the first time, or something they're not good at.. they act so over-enthusiastic, sometimes even shaky, that they look ultra cute(these are mostly ppl who are otherwise used to being good at their own thing).. its something very vulnerable in the way they do the whole thing, that you can't stop adoring them!!

Ya one more.. "bull-shit energy".. kind of specific, in its domain; this energy gives people with "balloon ego" (that is ego without any basis, plain air), the power to misrepresent themselves in their own eyes.. they bullshit around, making others uncomfortable, so that they can get their fuel, and survive their empty, meaningless, untalented, insecure life... classic case of pulling someone down, to make yourself look tall.. and its almost amazing, how artlessly people do this!!

What else do we have.. i call this one "people energy".. its something like, you are able to do certain things when you're among certain group of people or may be just that one special person, whatever.. i think, what its based on, is your so much wanting to be impressive to that group, that you get this unknown force that drives your, otherwise lazy bums, to really prove yourself out there..

Last i remember, this one's "talk energy".. i've already mentioned somewhere in my blog, how powerful a good conversation can be.. this one goes out for that counseling, for that cheering, for that pep-talk that can make all the difference.. words if used wisely, can talk anyone into doing the unthinkable.. i think, that is why you really need friends, you need someone to reassure you about how good you're, and then you go nail that kick-ass game or interview or show or test or whatever..

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