Wednesday, April 13, 2011

थोड़ी सी शिकायत है, मुझे दिल्ली की धूप से.

थोड़ी सी शिकायत है,
मुझे दिल्ली की धूप से.
थोड़ी उसकी ठंडी तबियत से,
थोड़ी उसके कच्चे रूप से.

थोड़ी ट्रैफिक की चतुराई से,
थोड़ी उसके संगीत से, 
थोड़ी गालियों की गहराई से.
और थोड़ी चौढ़ी सड़को पे,
चलते तंग दिलों की लापरवाही से.

थोड़ी कदम कदम पे बदलती बास से,
थोड़ी बसों की भयानक भीड़ से,
थोड़ी लफंगों की दिनों-दिन बड़ते विशवास से.
और थोड़ी कार की खिड़की पे ठकठकाती,
अधनंगी आस से.

थोड़ी बंद दरवाजों के पीछे आते शोर से,
थोड़ी चेहरों की झूठी चमक से,
थोड़ी कपड़ो के जूठे ज़ोर से.
और थोड़ी हँसी के पीछे छिपे,
अन्दर के सहमे चोर से.

थोड़ी सी शिकायत है,
मुझे दिल्ली की धूप से.
थोड़ी उसकी ठंडी तबियत से,
थोड़ी उसके कच्चे रूप से.

English translation :

I have some complaints,
against the Delhi's sun.
Some against her cold nature.
Some against her crude beauty.

Some against the wisdom of traffic,
Some against it's(traffic's) music.
Some against the depth of the curse-words.
And some against the thoughtlessness of constricted hearts,
walking on the wide roads.

Some against the stench changing at every footstep.
Some against the awesome crowd in the buses.
Some against the growing confidence of rogues.
And some against the half-naked hope
knocking at the car windows.

Some against the cries behind closed doors.
Some against the fake radiance of the faces.
Some against the half-eaten (something's that's already tasted, already used by someone else) dominance of clothes.
And some against the frightened thief inside
hiding behind all the laughter.

I have some complaints,
against the Delhi's sun.
Some against her cold nature,
Some against her crude beauty.


Sarang said...

I like it..:)

Pallavi said...

Guess the inspiration behind it.. It's Martin cribbing non-stop about Delhi that made me write this :P

rahul... said...

Good one... :)

Ancient Mariner said...


Ah Ram Lee said...

Hey, friend!! Don't have English version? kkk

Pallavi said...

thanku thanku.. I'll try and translate this for you.. but it might take away the earthiness from it.. still will try :)

Lhas said...

Goood This time you aren't confused....