Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shading waala tree..

It was probably more than 12-14 years ago, my brother suddenly pointed towards a tree and screamed 'Shading waala tree'. We were sitting on a narrow wooden 'fatta' in a rickshaw, facing the side opposite to the direction in which the rickshaw was moving. It's a pity we don't have those rickshaws anymore here, it was interesting to watch things moving away from you, with you not knowing where you're going. 
Going back to my brother's comment, what my brother actually meant was that the tree had thin, fine leaves which in the twilight appeared as if someone has shaded the leaves with pencil. It was one of the very few times, I felt the creativity rushing in my brother's brain. I also felt how less I notice stuff, always pouring un-pouring thoughts in left and right brain buckets, never seeing the things right in front of me. And also, how less I notice my own brother. Though, we've hardly ever been close. We grew up literally cursing each other and wishing to kill the other by something so ingenious so as to escape being caught later. Thankfully, we both couldn't find those ingenious murder weapons. I still find it difficult to forget, that we both used to be covered with marks all over our face, arms, legs, skull etc. as everything was reason enough for a violent settlement. And later, I used to watch my brother sleep sometimes. He looked so peaceful, I started believing that devils become monks when they sleep.
Well, the reflective thing didn't last and last 12-14 years were nothing different from the years before it. I was a strong-headed, immature, unloving sister. And the irony is, even if I've matured now, I'm still as inexpressive as ever. However, when on cloudy days like today I'm walking with my eyes roaming around, I sometimes see that 'shading waala tree' and wonder if I'm noticing enough. 

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