Saturday, September 15, 2007

The simple truth...9

Being impatient is like running through a ground filled with mines, good chances you'll blow up... but being too patient is like sitting on a mine, and waiting for the kaboom.


Anonymous said...

Truly said.
But do you think that impatient people are not sucessful ?

Your Well-wisher

Pallavi said...

impatient people can get success, but i don't think they can retain it..

Anonymous said...

Pal, i heard a very famous qoute-
It is generally used in big companies.

"In ABC(name of the company),we deploy impatience.
Impatience-that not only means things get done, but get done in half the possible time."

So i can relate impatience to a stronger desire to learn/earn/be the best.

Pallavi said...

that depends; impatience doesn't always mean quick decisions; it can also mean bad judgement..

Anonymous said...

Oh, I missed soemthing while commenting.
Ya,right! it depends from case to case.
Acha tel me one thing,why you have not written your real name ?

Pallavi said...

aise hi; dint feel like it

namesake said...

Don't u think patience is the art of concealing your impatience but some where in my mind i agree with u that patience is the support of weakness but still impatience is the ruin of strength

Pallavi said...

i agree...most patient men are just good at concealing only..whether its weakness or not, depends from where its coming from...if its just skin-deep or do you really believe in it..

Manpreet Bedi said...

well its perception, how you take it and how you leave it.

Pallavi said...

Well, almost everything is..